Ethical and Social Compliance Program
Since 2012, Perrigo’s Ethical and Social Compliance (E&SC) program has sought to ensure our sites, suppliers and business partner factories around the globe are operating under high ethical standards, which includes adherence to local labor laws, providing a healthy and safe work environment, and treating their employees with dignity and respect. It starts with Supplier Ethical Standards, while also including risk assessments and 3rd party auditing to ensure our standards are being maintained.
For more details and annual updates on this program, download our annual ESG Report or Modern Slavery Statement.
Zero Tolerance on Modern Slavery
Perrigo has a zero-tolerance stance on human trafficking, modern slavery and any other form of human rights abuse and exploitation. We commit to maintaining robust programs and procedures to protect our people and prevent such abuse throughout our supply chain. Our Supplier Ethical Standards outlines and details our requirements for suppliers and business partners, which explicitly prohibits the use of child, forced or trafficked labor of any kind, among many other health, safety and ethical labor requirements.
Click here to view our annual Statement on Modern Slavery, and learn in more detail the annual progress we make to maintain an ethical supply chain. Additional Policies and Practices can be found here.